
How can we EVER thank the Milwaukee police detectives, past and present, who have devoted so much of their lives to Donna and to our family?  For your commitment, your dedication, your sleepless nights, your caring, your loving words, your kindnesses, your hugs, and for finding out the truth about her murderer for us…there are no words in any language that can adequately express what is in our hearts for you all…

The Willing Family
June 17, 2010

I would just like to say that if anyone has their own memories of Donna and/or were friends of our family at the time of her death, I would appreciate very much to hear anything you would be willing to share and will gladly create a new page just for those special memories.

God bless you all for caring and continuing to think of us and keeping us in your prayers.  And God bless the detectives who have blessed us so much this past year and have changed our lives forever.

August 6, 2009

On behalf of the Willing family, I would like to thank all who have written, emailed and called regarding the newspaper story and your memories of Donna, or have made us aware of your caring and prayers.  It means so much to hear that her life and death affected so many.  Our thoughts and prayers are with YOU, also.

I would also like to personally thank Annysa Johnson of the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, who captured just about every emotion and thought that I expressed to her over the past five years and put them all together so beautifully and touchingly in her story (JSOnline-3-22-09.pdf).  It took a lot to get them out of my head and into actual words.  

Most especially, the Willings are eternally grateful to two of the greatest human beings on the face of the planet, Detectives Katherine Hein and Gilbert Hernandez of the Milwaukee Police Department, who have spent countless hours of their lives reviewing the horrible details of not only Donna’s death, but many other Milwaukee victims – and have to live with these images in their minds forever.  How can we ever thank you enough for doing such a thing on our behalf?

God bless you all.

March 26, 2009